Wednesday, November 22, 2017

JML Stone-ware 28 cm frying pan from SM Department Store

Non-stick pans are more expensive compared to regular pans but a lot of them don't last very long. The usual problem is the non-stick coating can easily be scratched off even if nylon cooking utensils are being used. We bought the Stone-Ware Professional Culinary Cookware 28 cm frying pan by JML since the package and the SM Department Store salesman told us that it is scratch resistant apart from being non-stick.

This costs PhP2,099.75. The back of the box also mentions a guarantee for 1 year but SM can only accept returns within 7 days according to the salesman.

We have been using it for a few days now. It is indeed non-stick, although we don't know for how long that will last. The heat distribution throughout the pan surface is also good. While we rather not test if it is scratch resistance, we are questioning its durability. In less than one week, the handle has become wobbly. It feels like it will detach without warning. The wobbliness of the handle has left scratches on the side of the pan where the handle is screwed.

I found similar stone coated non-stick pans being sold on TV like the ILO Rainbow Pan Series. For P2995, one can get not just one 28 cm pan but a set of 5 cookware for different cooking needs. The ILO set is not for induction cooking but it not a problem for us. I kind of regret buying the pan from SM.

While looking for non-stick cookware, I saw Happycall products being sold in SM Department Store. They are a lot more expensive than the TV shopping offer. I wouldn't recommend buying from them.

08Dec2017 Update
After around two weeks of use, the following signs of use have been observed: